
OSPC 2022

Reconnecting to Hope: Growing Responsive Communities

Focused on rebuilding and growing connections between individuals, providers, local and state resources, advocates and prevention leaders. These connections strengthen networks of community support and create systems that can respond with compassion and care to address the unique needs of individuals – lifting Oregonians to reconnect to hope when they are struggling.



Ashland Hills Hotel

2525 Ashland St, Ashland, OR 97520

Keynote Speakers

"Innovation in Suicide Prevention - Transforming Care"

Becky Stoll

Senior Vice President, Crisis Services Centerstone

"Collective Care, Collective Vulnerability- Creative Approaches To Suicide Prevention"

Canada Taylor Parker

"(A)Wakening Work: Understanding and Disrupting the Impact of Everyday Anti-Blackness and Coloniality"

Dr. Kenjus Watson

"Klamath Tribes Youth & Family Guidance Center’s Efforts to Rebuild Connections"

Monica YellowOwl


"Celebrating the Survivors: Creating safe spaces around suicide"

M. Abeo


Reconnecting to Hope: Growing Responsive Communities - Jill Baker

All means ALL - Suicide Prevention in a Rural School District

Belonging Back to the Basics: A Rural Community Effort

No Wrong Door: Reinventing Primary Care to Respond to Depression and Suicide Risk - Praxis Health


HOLDING HOPE. - Jill Baker

Partnerships for Change

Reconnecting Campus Suicide Prevention Communities

Rivers in the Desert: How Faith Communities can Build Hope and Respond to Suicide - Laura Sprouse, QMHA, BS

School District Experience to Localized Postvention Response - Angi Meyer, MEDL

Telling the Story of Suicide in Your Community: State and County Level Mortality and Morbidity Data Sources - Taylor Chambers & Meghan Crane

Sources of Strength in Oregon: Overview, Implementation, Connecting to Resources
