Dr. Susan Keys, a public health program development consultant and retired Associate Professor of Public Health at Oregon State, hosts The Oregon Zero Suicide Podcast Series. Tune in to hear health and mental health experts, as well as community members, share some of the unique aspects of their work on Zero Suicide.
Using Measurement-based Care to Support the Suicidal Patient
Whitney Black, MD, is the Quality Medical Director in the Department of Psychiatry at Oregon Health & Science University. Dr. Black describes how the Department of Psychiatry uses an online, system of measurement-based care to assess and monitor patients over time. (Note: In this podcast, Dr. Black identifies Owl Insights as the software used by OHSU. Dr. Black serves as an independent consultant and has a financial interest in Owl Insights, a company that may have a commercial interest in the results of this research or technology. This potential conflict of interest has been reviewed and managed by OHSU).
Creating a Community-Driven Media Collaboration to “Shatter the Silence” about Suicide
Three collaborators from diverse sectors of the Jackson County community tell how they came together to create an innovative messaging strategy for suicide prevention. In this conversation you will hear how this team came to think differently about the type of message they wanted to convey and in so doing shifted their campaign strategy from one that conveyed hopelessness to hope.
Go to United Way of Jackson County to view the videos mentioned in this podcast.
Go here for additional, non- Oregon specific videos and podcasts focused on Zero Suicide brought to you by the ZeroSuicide.sprc.org, a resource of the national Suicide Prevention Resource Center.
Leading System Change for Zero Suicide
As we all know, leadership is a critical component for Zero Suicide. The type of changes needed will not
happen without leadership buy in. It’s key. Yet, leadership is about more than “saying yes” to an
innovation. In this podcast we dive deeper and discuss more about what saying yes to Zero Suicide
entails with Dr. Laura Pennavaria, Chief Medical Officer for the St. Charles Medical Group.
Creating a Successful Peer Support Program
Peer support is a unique aspect of Zero Suicide that leverages the lived experience of peers as part of the system of care for someone experiencing mental health issues. In this podcast you will hear from Ally Linfoot about her experiences as a peer supporter, her role in developing the Clackamas County Peer Support program, and how this program functions within the County.